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Repatriation of mortal remains


In caso di morte all’estero Global S.F. garantisce il rientro della salma nel paese di origine nel rispetto dei tempi e delle normative vigenti nei vari paesi, contenendo al massimo i costi.

Repatriation of mortal remains

How repatriation takes place

The service of repatriation of mortal remains abroad or to Italy follows a precise procedure of activities, documents to be produced, and timeframes to be respected.  

How we work

Contact us


Over twenty years of experience in the international and national funeral transport service at your disposal. Contact us for more information or a quote.

Repatriation of mortal remains and international and national funeral transport

We have extensive experience in the repatriation of deceased persons worldwide

Global S.F. is the San Francesco funeral services division specialising in the service of repatriation of mortal remains from Italy to abroad or repatriation of mortal remains from abroad to Italy. International funeral transport is a service that requires specific knowledge and long years of experience in order to successfully and swiftly manage all the logistical, organisational and legal aspects necessary for the repatriation of mortal remains or the repatriation of the ashes of the deceased, as well as an effective network of collaboration with Consulates and foreign embassies in Italy.

Global S.F. offers its services to major international and national insurance companies as well as private citizens, to make it possible for the deceased to return to their country.



Active service 24/24h – 365 days a year

For the repatriation of mortal remains service, rely on Global S.F.
We are available at any time, including on weekdays and holidays.


We answer calls 24 hours a day, to assist you at all times with the utmost commitment and professionalism.


+39 0471 935171 Contact us