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How the mortal remains are repatriated

We work with professionalism, precision and transparency


Our mortal remains repatriation service follows a well-established and precise procedure that allows us to complete the operation in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible cost. You will be kept up-to-date on the status of the repatriation and have a member of our staff available at all times for any questions or queries you may have.
After the quote request, we will provide you with a detailed list of all the costs involved in the service.

If you decide to entrust us with the task, we will need information on the repatriation, the deceased's documents and information on the type of funeral chosen (funeral transport with casket or cremation and urn transport).



The following documents are required for the repatriation of mortal remains to Italy:

  • Identity card or passport
  • Marriage certificate
  • Identity card and signature of next of kin – only in case of cremation
  • Contact with a funeral home in the municipality where the death occurred
  • Transport documents and the international mortuary passport must be issued by the municipality where the death occurred.
  • Contact with the consulate if the deceased is a citizen of a country that is not a member of the 1937 Berlin Convention.
  • Scheduling the date and time for closing the casket and transport
  • If the magistrate's authorisation or an autopsy is not required, the transport may take place no earlier than 2 days after the assignment.
    Should the mortal remains be at the disposal of the judiciary, it is necessary to wait for their clearance before scheduling repatriation. This may take two to three days as the magistrate has to wait for the conclusion of the investigation by the police.


In the case of cremation, a further three days usually elapse until the urn is transferred.


Commencement of repatriation

We inform our client and the funeral home receiving the body and, if requested, the relatives about the date and time of arrival at the funeral home or cemetery.

After delivery, we confirm to our customer that the repatriation has been completed.

From the moment the order is placed until the delivery of the deceased, we are in daily contact with the clients via email or telephone to update them on the progress of the repatriation of the mortal remains.

+39 0471 935171 Contact us